Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Me reading the news on the iPad with mom
Sunrise's diary : I am a 6 year old orange tabby. I was a kitten, hungry and looking for food when I came upon this house. Mom fed me every morning for about 6 months, and one day she opened the front door, put my food down inside and I walked right in. I was very scared at first, I had no where to go, and she continued to feed me, and I snuggled up in bed with her every night. It sure beats sleeping outside by far.

I soon found out that I had two older feline siblings, Sammy and Sweet Tea. They both really do not want to play with me. Sammy and I hang outside the house a bit, and we watch out for each other, but other than that, Sammy does not want anything to do with me. Sweet Tea sleeps all the time, when she does not sleep, she likes to look out the window. Last year, my canine sibling Sophie got her wish, she got a baby brother! I looked down from my perch and see them play outside all the time and how much  do I wish I have a little brother. 

Storm 10 days old.
Well, my wish was granted a few weeks ago. Sophie found a kitten along her walk with mom one morning. His eyes were still closed and mom had to feed him with a bottle for more than 2 weeks. He was very wriggly and he screams for his real mom a lot. He sleeps inside a carrier on the bed next to mom every night and I look and look at him. He just sleeps and sleeps. He does not do anything and screams when he is hungry. Mom let me meet him and he thinks I am his mom. He sucks my tummy and I wonder when he is going to grow up so we can play like Sophie and Spencer.

Mom named him Storm. His eyes opened two days after Sophie found him, but his ears are still closed. I guess that is why he does not hear anything, I sneak up to him and he still sleeps and sleeps. Mom has to wake him up every time for his feeding. 

Storm and me

I really cannot believe how little Storm is. I mean, how can I play with him? But in the last few weeks, he had grown a lot. He doubled in length and his legs started to grow longer. He learned how to jump. He can now get onto the dresser where mom put my food. I have to eat it quickly. The last two weeks, mom let him out of the crate a lot, and we started playing quite a bit. It sure makes my day. I used to go outside during the day and come back in time for dinner. But now he keeps me company.

Last weekend, Storm turned eight weeks old. Mom disassembled his crate, so he is running around the house all the time. He is so silly, he hides behind pillows and when he pees, he closes his eyes. I think that is too funny. He also made his first official trip to the vet. Mom actually took him there one time already to see if he was a boy or a girl. I really do not care if I get a brother or sister, as long as I have someone to play with.

Storm 2 1/2 weeks old.
So I guess this Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a little brother, he loves me and loves to play with me. Although he wants to eat my food all the time, I am okay with it. I am thankful that mom saved his life, so I can have a little brother. I told him that living in this house, you will never go hungry. But since he never lived on the streets, he does not know what hungry is like. I am thankful for all the bottomless food bowl. I am also thankful that I have four canine siblings to protect the house while mom is not at the house. Most of all, I am thankful that I always have a warm fluffy bed and mom to snuggle with.

I do not really like turkey that much, but my canine siblings have been watching the two turkeys that mom had in the smoker. Happy Thanksgiving to you and hope your turkey
is as good as mom's.

Storm 4 1/2 weeks old.

Storm 8 weeks old