I was tracking to get my certification from Judge Deb
Selene’s diary: Ever since I came to live with mom, I have been learning new things. I passed the Canine good citizen and the Trick Dog Novice titles last fall. But mom said I am supposed to have a good nose, and I need to work harder. When the weather started to cool off after we came back from the German Shepherd Club Nationals last year, mom took me tracking a lot. We went to different places, and when I get to the end, I would sit and mom would give me a treat. Afterwards, mom would take me to McDonald’s for breakfast.
Aunt Roxanna came for Christmas, and this was the first time I met her. One morning, mom, Aunt Roxanna and I got into the car, and mom told me we are going to see Judge Deb. Mom said I need to behave and pass my certification.
We got there, and Judge Deb was very friendly and I jumped on her and wanted hugs and kisses, and mom told me to stop that. Well, I started to sniff and pretty soon, I got to the end and found the glove. Deb’s place is full of scent, it was really a nose opener for me.
We stopped for food on the way home and I was very happy. Mom and I continued to practice tracking for the next 1 1/2 months. February came, and mom and dad went on vacation to see Aunt Roxanna. I came in heat for the first time. I did not know what to do so I kept licking.
Mom came home and she made me wear a diaper panty. I took it off as soon as she went to work.
The day of the test came, mom and I woke up early, she cooked me breakfast and we went to the test site. I had tracked there several times before, but I really wanted to take my panties off. When it was my turn to track, mom took my panties off, and I had to lick myself clean. I saw a bunch of people looking at me, so I barked at them. Mom said don’t bark at the judges, so I continued to lick. I could not help it but lick, and mom said if I don’t get my act together, we are going to fail, and no McDonald’s!
What do you mean no McDonald’s? I heard right. Mom just positioned me and told me to go find it. She already knew where the direction is, I just have to keep going. So I started to sniff and it was pretty easy, it I had to check things out, when I got to the turns I double sniff to make sure. Mom kept saying “find it”. I heard her! We got to the last turn and it had a big puddle of rainwater and I stopped to get a drink. All the judges and people were looking at us. Mom kept asking me where is it, so I was like, calm down, let me finish my drink first. I then went straight to the glove and sat. Mom came over and picked the glove up. Mom kept telling me good girl and the judges came over. I jumped up reminding mom that we need to go to McDonald’s. I am only interested in food, so off we went.
So I earned my first AKC title: Tracking Dog. I thought, not bad for a 9 month old. I know mom is proud of me.
My passing TD picture. |