Storm’s diary: Four days before Halloween in 2021, my canine siblings were barking outside. I looked outside and they were barking at a very tiny white furball. Dad dragged Selene in and Spencer was outside still barking. Mom went out and got Spencer in. She went back outside with oven gloves and picked up the furball.
The day Sirius came |
Mom had to take Selene and Spencer to an agility show and Dad was going outside the front porch all weekend. I was wondering what that was. Mom came back Sunday, Halloween, and took the furball to the vet. She came back and said: “Surprise, it’s a girl!”. Dad almost passed out.
Mom then brought her inside and that was when I first got a good look at her. She was all white with black markings, just like Sophie. Mom was saying that Sophie might came back as a cat!
She was very playful and she screams really loud when she was hungry. She was about a month old and mom made her the same birthday as mine: September 28. She weighed about a pound but she was growing fast.
Dad called her “Hop-along” because she had one bad front foot, she was hopping all the time. Mom said she talked to some friends and they all think that a large bird dropped her off and she had a bad landing. Mom even went around the neighborhood looking for a momma cat who looked like her, but there were no kittens anywhere.
She slept inside a pyramid that used to belong to my brother Sam, who is now in heaven. She was inside the bedroom with a fence, but within 2 weeks, she made herself at home and she kept climbing out. She ate about 5-6 times a day and I wish they feed me that many times. She has very blue eyes and mom said she would name her “So blue” if he was a boy.
My 2 human aunts named her Sirius, after the brightest star in the sky, since she really fell from the sky. But she answers to Hop-along.
Pretty soon, mom had to take the gate down because she could not keep her inside, and Siri would jump on me and follow me around. Mom bought her a tunnel and she would hide in the tunnel and then jump on me when I least realized she was waiting on me.
Pretty soon, she became very bossy. She meows all the time, she tried to go downstairs to look at my canine siblings and she had no fear. Maybe it was the “Sophie” in her.
Since she is being fed several times a day, and I am only fed twice. I would follow her and stayed behind her food dish, sometimes she will have leftover and I would go eat it all up before she comes back. She would scream again and the food would come again. I tried that and it did not work.
I wonder when she is going to grow big like me and mom said she will not be as big as me. So that’s how I am promoted to a big brother.