Sidney, Sunny, me and Spencer at the park. |
Sophie's diary : Since I came to live with mom 5 years ago Christmas, this is my fifth thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for . Great food, trips to the lake for me to swim, dog parks, and most of all I got a new baby brother this year!
Spencer was little when he came, but he quickly grew bigger and bigger and now slightly bigger than me, but since I am slimmer I can still tackle him to the ground. My other brother Sunny, who turned 15 1/2 this month, and my older sister Sidney, who is 12 1/2, sleep pretty much most of the day. I used to sit around with my 2 feline brothers and it was so boring that I did not even want to chase them. So God answered my prayers, mom came home with Spencer!
He thought I was his mom at first, but I told him repeatedly I am just his big sister. He came after Easter, and I quickly taught him how to use the doggie door, how you got to finish eating fast, and wait patiently for leftovers from Sunny and Sidney. I taught him to watch our house and have to bark at strangers. He is very scared of the vet so I have to go along with him. He loves food just like me, and since he loves fish, mom has been making grilled salmon once a week. I really do not have a favorite food, but mom's turkey during thanksgiving is awesome. She smoke it in the smoker outside for 24 hours, and those are 24 long hours for me to wait. I think Spencer would not believe it when he sees the turkey for the first time.
My baby brother Spencer. |
I am learning to become a big sister, and I am thankful that Sidney is showing me how. A week ago at the dog park, four big poodles circled around Spencer and when he started running away, all four ran after him. Spencer was so scared his tail was ducked and ran back to mom. The four of them tried to get Spencer again, and that was when I ran forward and snapped at them. They backed off right away. Sidney told me that we are siblings and we look out for each other. Since Sunny is deaf, I have to alert him if a dog is coming up behind him, if not he gets scared.
I am looking forward to eating turkey for a few days. Hope your turkey is as good as mine!
Spencer , Sidney and me. |