Sophie's diary: Mom packed the car full and we left on a Sunday morning to Missouri. We have not taken a trip that far, but mom promised we will have lots of food and McDonald's. We stopped for lunch at McDonald's and we got to pee and got gas. Then we stopped again before we went on the Oklahoma turnpike. Mom said if we needed to pee we got to go. There we were going on the turnpike, we got to stop to pay, and Spencer thought it was a drive thru window and thought we were getting food again, he cracked me up. He was so disappointed. I had gone on the turnpike before going to Tulsa 3 times for the TDX test. Anyways, we got to St. Clair, Missouri that Sunday night and mom unloaded all our luggage and food. We had pork chops and veggies and rice for dinner.
Monday and Tuesday Spencer competed in agility, he only got one Q. We got to walk around a bit, and run a little in the fenced in area at the hotel.
Spencer doing the weaves |
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was obedience, Spencer did not Q but mom said he got a lot of ring experience. We got lots of food, and snacks from McDonald's. Selene is a good traveler, no matter if it is 2 miles or 200 miles, she naps as soon as mom started driving. She sits in the front with mom and once we get to McDonald's she wakes up.
Spencer doing Utility A exercise: directed retrieve |
Spencer and I also got the German Shepherd Club of America Performance Award of Merir. We got very nice ribbons and plaques.

Spencer and I with the ribbons
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We stopped by Chris' parents in Oklahoma on our way back and we had some nice good runs in the yard. We were all tired and ready to get back. Selene is still a baby at 5 months old and she learned a lot from this trip. She got to pee and poop while she is on a leash, she knows what a hotel is now, she likes to sleep with mom on the bed. I am glad to be home after a week.
Me, Spencer and Selene at almost 5 months old. |