Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Preferred Agility Champion Title 3 (PACH 3) and my journey towards the Agility Grand Champion

Me on the teeter

Selene’s diary: 2022 had been a very busy year, mom and I started my Agility Grand Champion journey and I was running 12 runs a weekend, 4 runs a day. We went to Oklahoma and Florida. I got my 3rd Preferred Agility Champion in October. And by December, I had finished all 100 Qs each required for regular standard and regular jumpers with weaves. 

I also started training in advance obedience: utility exercises. We got and practice run throughs once every week, and with agility classes 2 days a week, I was occupied. Some days I was so tired mom said I snore when I sleep. 

My PACH 3 picture, October 2022

We also got to go to New OrlĂ©ans after a weekend of agility in Baton Rouge. I love those beignets. I had a good time chasing the pigeons in the French quarter. We walked a lot and got to eat a lot. Spencer was not very adventurous as far as food goes, he always wait for me to eat first. And then he quickly snaps before I eat them all up. So hilarious. 

Spencer and I at the French Quarter, December 2022