Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa, please stop at my house

Spencer, me, our foster sister Polly, Sunny
and Sidney at the park.
Sophie's diary : I have been a really bad girl, Santa, and I am so so sorry. Yesterday we went to the park with my new foster sister Polly, and I was jealous that she was walking beside mom, so I growled at her, but she growled back at me and I was so mad I jumped on her. Mom told me to stop and I bumped into mom's hand and now her hand is all bruised and swollen. I know I am a really bad girl.

Today, I got mom upset again. We went walking today, and first I barked at the German Shepherd behind the fence, and then I dragged mom down to the next house to bark at the Papillons. I dragged her so bad that she fell down. I knew I was in trouble right away, but I told her that I am just showing off my skills so Polly can learn. Mom made me sit there next to the Papillons barking and I was so ashamed that my baby brother Spencer was looking at me being punished.

Santa, I know the turkeys are cooking in the smoker, and all I ask for is turkey for lunch tomorrow. I know I have been a bad girl, but I promise I will be good. Please stop by our house, since all my siblings have been good.

I am so glad that I prayed for a new baby brother early this year, because after yesterday and today, I know Santa is not going to bring me a new baby brother for sure.

Polly, our foster sister, is staying with us and I have been showing her how to bark at the neighbor's dog. I also let her play with Spencer because mom said she is a guest. Mom also said that if I am being bad again, she is going to put the cone back on my head for Christmas and New Year. She even took it out to show me. Do I need a reminder?

Our foster sister Polly
Santa, all I want for christmas is food and more food, some rawhide chews are also good. I also love my three dog bakery cookies, sweet potato chews, duck strips and lamb treats. My siblings are all good, so please Santa, bring them all the goodies so I can eat some out of theirs because I know I do not deserve any treats. I promise to be a good girl. By the way, we are at the house with the smoke coming out of the smoker. I just want to make sure you can find us.